The bloom’s off the rose and that’s that. He was getting older-was he so old it was like he wasn’t there, for the young ones? Slipping through the door before it closed, Constantine felt a bit down at the snub. The two girls flounced off down the street, arm in arm, helping each other walk and laughing at their own drunkenness. The girl’s gaze slid past him like he wasn’t there, her expression unchanging, the stream of giggling chatter unceasing. Trying to keep in practice with the fairer sex, Constantine smiled coolly at the little blond with the heart-shaped face and said, “What’s so funny, then, love? I could use a laugh.” John Constantine was about to push through the door into The Cutter when it burst open and a couple of compact, short-skirted girls came bouncing out, their laughter tumbling together. Passing a doorway exuding curry smells passing a frock boutique, doomed to fail like most of them passing a chippie with its smell of deep-fried fish-and here’s The Cutter, with a painting of a cutter, all sails set and billowing, on the swinging wooden sign over the door. More than that: feeling a little fuzzy about the last week or so. It is a very difficult time for all.Not sure how I decided to come over here today. It has focus on healing and recoverying for both the Wayward and the Betrayed.īe respectful of each other and try to keep your comments supportive.Īvoid leaving comments that are dismissive.ĭon't tell someone they just just leave the relationship. We want it to be a place that you can talk to someone that is going through or has been through the same thing. You are more than welcome to join the sub and read the posts and reply but keep it positive and geared towards reconciliation. We know you are going through a tough time with what happened and we hope the best outcome for your situation. If you are the only person in your relationship that is trying to reconcile this may not be the right sub for you.

We are here to help you through the bad days of worrying, being anxious and overwhelming emotions during reconciliation. We understand sometimes there will be bad days and you just need to vent. We welcome the BS and the WS as both are needed to recover.

We would like this sub to stay positive and keep it to couples that are both trying to reconcile. Aerogora and I created this sub for couples trying to recover and reconcile the marriage/relationship after infidelity happens.