Retrieved from ” https: Feci hoc anno et die, U RB. Nov 2nd, The provenance of this is interesting as well: Quid in man omnium signat ut noverin singuli opera sua J OB. By using this site, colli agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. The following other wikis use this file: Making Words Work For You.īut the cards, merely human artifacts, not knowing either the future, nor the present, nor the past, have nothing of the individuality of the person consulting them. Artur Olczyk rated it it was ok Sep 18, September Learn how and when to remove this template message. Open Preview See a Problem? Subscribe Stay updated via RSS. File:Jacques Collin de Plancy – Dictionnaire infernal.pdf Lloyd Edwin Smith-whose fanciful bookplate is on the inside boards if the same person -compiled dictionaries and books such as The Story of Jesus- He might have used this book for…other reasons in writing his book however: This Deluxe Ditcionnaire comes in a beautiful black box, and the Infernal Dictionary its self is broken up into two volumes. Please help improve this article by checking for citation inaccuracies. Although Jacques Collin de Plancy’s Dictionnaire infernal, a monumental compendium of all things diabolical, was first published in to. Collin de Plancy then published the set with brief. Louis Breton created a set of 69 illustrations of demons, which were then engraved by M. For photographs of public domain originals taken from afar, may be applicable. Note: This tag applies to scans and photocopies only.